The Art of Agile Development Managing Agile Projects with SCRUM Extreme Programming Sprint 0: Generating the Product Backlog Sprint 1: Starting a Game Sprint 2: Playing a Basic Game Sprint 3: Changing the Game Sprint 4: The Release Code Review What´s Ahead for You and Scrum? Appendix A: TDD Primer with NUnit Appendix B: BDD Primer with SpecFlow Appendix C: Mocking with Moq Appendix D: Managing a Product Backlog with Pivotal Tracker Appendix E: Web Testing with WaitiN Appendix F: Source Control with SVN Appendix G: Continuous Integration wih Cruise Control .NETScott Millett is an enterprise software architect working in London for, an e-commerce company specializing in cycle and tri-athlete sports. He has been working with .NET since version 1.0, and was awarded ASP.NET "Most Valuable Professional" status in 2010.