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Neuerscheinungen 2016

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Jean-Marc Prevost, Corinne Rondeau, Ugo Rondinone (Beteiligte)

Ugo Rondinone

Becoming Soil. Katalog zur Ausstellung: Carré d´Art - Musée d´art contemporain, Nîmes, 2016
Text: Prevost, Jean-Marc; Rondeau, Corinne
2016. 124 S. 104 Abb., Text-Booklet (ca. 20 S.). 31 cm
Verlag/Jahr: HATJE CANTZ VERLAG 2016
ISBN: 3-7757-4163-1 (3775741631)
Neue ISBN: 978-3-7757-4163-7 (9783775741637)

Preis und Lieferzeit: Bitte klicken

Der Schweizer Künstler Ugo Rondinone (geb.1964 in Brunnen) variiert seine künstlerischen Praktiken permanent: Von monumentaler Skulptur, Installation und Malerei bis zu delikater Kleinplastik und Collage reicht die Bandbreite seiner Werke. Oft kombiniert er industriell gefertigte Elemente mit manueller Arbeit und befragt mit seiner Kunst das Verhältnis des Menschen zu der ihn umgebenden Realität. Anschaulich dokumentiert der Katalog Rondinones erste große Einzelausstellung in Frankreich, in deren Rahmen sich das Carré d´Art in Nîmes in ein begehbares Gesamtkunstwerk verwandelt. Skulpturen und Gemälde verschmelzen zu einer szenischen Installation, die ein spezielles Raum-Zeit-Empfinden erzeugt. Sternenhimmel, Monumentallandschaften und Tierskulpturen verbinden sich zu einem poetischen Ganzen, das die Schönheit der Naturphänomene, die Unendlichkeit des Kosmos und die menschliche Existenz in eine zeitgenössische Neuinterpretation der Sichtweise der Romantik überführt.

Ausstellung: Carré d´Art - Musée d´art contemporain, Nîmes 15.4.-18.9.2016
Encompassing monumental sculptures, installations, paintings, collages, and delicate small-scale sculptures, the artistic practice of the Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone ( 1964 in Brunnen) is constantly in flux. Often combining manufactured elements with manual labor, his artworks investigate the relationship between humans and the environment that surrounds them. The catalogue vividly documents Rondinones first major solo exhibition in France, which turned the Carré dArt in Nîmes into a synthesis of the arts through which one can walk. Generating a specific feeling for space and time, the sculptures and paintings were transformed into a scenic installation. Star-filled skies, monumental landscapes, and animal sculptures were combined to constitute a poetic whole that conveys the magnificence of natural phenomena, human existence, and the cosmos in a contemporary reinterpretation of the Romantic approach. Exhibition: Carré dArt Musée dart contemporain, Nîmes 15.4. 18.9.2016
Encompassing monumental sculptures, installations, paintings, collages, and delicate small-scale sculptures, the artistic practice of the Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone ( 1964 in Brunnen) is constantly in flux. Often combining manufactured elements with manual labor, his artworks investigate the relationship between humans and the environment that surrounds them. The catalogue vividly documents Rondinone´s first major solo exhibition in France, which turned the Carré d´Art in Nîmes into a synthesis of the arts through which one can walk. Generating a specific feeling for space and time, the sculptures and paintings were transformed into a scenic installation. Star-filled skies, monumental landscapes, and animal sculptures were combined to constitute a poetic whole that conveys the magnificence of natural phenomena, human existence, and the cosmos in a contemporary reinterpretation of the Romantic approach.
Exhibition: Carré d´Art - Musée d´art contemporain, Nîmes 15.4.- 18.9.2016