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Neuerscheinungen 2018

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Charles Moulton

Painting the Complete Picture

43 Essays
2018. 260 S. 210 mm
Verlag/Jahr: EPUBLI 2018
ISBN: 3-7467-3374-X (374673374X)
Neue ISBN: 978-3-7467-3374-6 (9783746733746)

Preis und Lieferzeit: Bitte klicken

Eine Sammlung vielfältige Aufsätze in Englisch.

A versatile collection of essays about a wide variety of subjects.
Eine Sammlung vielfältige Aufsätze in Englisch über Geschichte, Filme, Kunst, Politik, Philosophie und Geister.

An interesting and versatile collection of essays about a wide variety of subjects, such as history, art, films, society, politics and ghosts.

The Soul´s Journey

Article by Charles E.J. Moulton

Putting all of the thoughts that fit into this subject is not easy, especially because of the complex nature of the matter. The common denominator, however, is the soul´s journey. If you are so far spiritually as to want to dive into this subject, stick around.

I just finished reading the unauthorized biography of George Michael, written by Emily Herbert (John Blake Books, 2017). My reading material is always accompanied by other research, my instinct as an author being to formulate what I´ve learned in words. In George Michael´s case, the many videos that I watched were followed by YouTube commentary. I usually don´t read these comments. This time, I did, for some reason, and found the discrepancy between viewpoints. Many viewers stated that George, Yog to his friends, lived on in the afterlife. To me, that is evident.
Other viewers went on to say:
"No, he dead!"
I used to get really upset about people adamantly opposed to my opinion, trying to convince them that, of course, he lives on, of course, there is a God, of course, there is reincarnation.
"How can you NOT think so?!" I would bellow. "You HAVE to think so!!!"
Nowadays, I know that everyone has their own perspective to work from, by path, by choice, by experience. The perspectives are often contradictory.
As a protester against illegal organ transplantation in China told me: "You cannot change anyone. You have to inspire change!"
Everyone reacts negatively to the words: "You´re wrong!"
What you have to ask would be:
"Tell me how you came to that conclusion?"
Human beings want to find their own path. Help them find it. How? Buy this book.
Moulton, Charles
Charles E. J. Moulton stand schon mit 11 Jahren auf der Bühne. Er wuchs dreisprachig in eine Künstlerfamilie auf. Er wurde an der Wiener Musikhochschule ausgebildet und kann eine breit gefächerte Bühnenarbeit vorweisen. Unter seinen 120 gespielten Bühneninszenierungen befinden sich Opernrollen, Musicalrollen und Schauspielrollen. Er ist Jazzvokalist und Teil der Broadway Company. Seine Online-Zeitschrift "The Creativity Webzine" hat einen Leserkreis von 4000 pro Monat und beinhaltet die Werke von 100 internationalen Autoren. 152 literarische Arbeiten von ihm wurden veröffentlicht, unter Anderem ist die Kurzgeschichten-Sammlung "Aphrodite´s Curse" online erhältlich via Amazon. Charles ist Kunstmaler, Sprecher und Fernseh-Darsteller. Er ist verheiratet und hat eine Tochter.