To avoid a static double-eyelid fold characterized by nonmobile overdepression of the fold, I propose a new surgical approach of using septoaponeurosis junctional thickening (SAJT) to create a dynamic fold. I introduce a double-eyelid surgery technique using the SAJT. This SAJT fixation technique creates a dynamic double-eyelid fold. My study showed a high patient satisfaction rate and that the resulting fold mimics the movement of the congenital supratarsal fold in Asians.Kim, HongSeok A director of Ohkims Plastic Surgical Clinic.A member of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeon.A member of the Korean Society of PRS.Academic chairman of Eyelid Plastic Surgery Research of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. General Secretary in 3rd ABF (Asian Blepharoplasty Forum).