The prevalence of diabetes, with the advancement of technology has increasing due to sedentary lifestyle and changes in the nutrition forms. Diabetes self-management education (DSME) are important a stone of building of diabetes treatment. DSME is a collaborative process through which people with or at risk for diabetes gain the knowledge and skills needed to modify their behavior and successfully self-manage the disease and its related conditions. DSME is practiced base on an individual or group. In order to suggest that group education is superior to individual education, a large number of randomized controlled studies and meta-analysis comparing the two types of education should be conducted. Choosing the form of education is suggested according to the advantages of the form of education and the purpose of the application by reviewing selected.Hamdiye Arda Sürücü has finished PHD education Internal Medicine Nursing at Dokuz Eylul University. PHD s thesis is about Diabetes Self Management Education. She has had National Diabetes Educator certificate. She has worked as PHD Research Assistant at Dicle University.