Role Conception and the Drive for International Status
1st ed. 2015. 2015. xiv, 220 S. 22 SW-Abb. 216 mm
ISBN: 1-349-50534-X (134950534X)
Neue ISBN: 978-1-349-50534-0 (9781349505340)
The book analyzes Brazilīs Africa engagement as a rising powerīs strategy to gain global recognition, linking it to Brazilīs broader foreign policy objectives and shedding light on the mechanisms of Brazilian status-seeking in Africa.1. Introduction: A South American Power making Inroads into Africa 2. Great Powers and the Drive for Status in International Relations 3. Brazil in the World: Role-Conception, Drive for Status and Status-Seeking Strategies of a Power on the Rise 4. Brazil in Africa: Extra-Regional Engagement as Springboard to Great Power Status 5. Why Africa? Motives for Brazilīs Africa Engagement 6. Conclusion: Brazilīs Africa Engagement as Status-Seeking Policy 7. LiteratureChristina Stolte is a Research Fellow at the German Institute or Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and a Visiting Researcher at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). Christina is a political scientist with a specialization in Latin American Studies.